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Discipline Policy

Discipline Policy

Sunrise Smart Start Early Learning Center

Discipline Policy

Policy Statement

Praise and positive reinforcement are effective methods of behavior management of children. When children receive positive, nonviolent, and understanding interactions from adults and others, they develop good self-concepts, problem-solving abilities, and self-discipline. Based on this belief, Sunrise Smart Start Early Learning Center, Inc., uses a positive approach to discipline and practices the following discipline and behavior management techniques.

  • Communicate to children using positive statements.
  • Communicate with children on their level.
  • Talk with children in a calm quiet manner.
  • Explain unacceptable behavior to children.
  • Give attention to children for positive behavior.
  • Praise and encourage the children.
  • Reason with and set limits for the children.
  • Apply rules consistently.
  • Model appropriate behavior.
  • Set up the classroom environment to prevent problems.
  • Provide alternatives and redirect children to acceptable activity.
  • Give children opportunities to make choices and solve problems.
  • Help children talk out problems and think of solutions.
  • Listen to children and respect the children’s needs, desires and feelings.
  • Provide appropriate words to help solve conflicts.
  • Use storybooks and discussion to work through common conflicts.
  • Inflict corporal punishment in any manner upon a child. (Corporal punishment is defined as the use of physical force to the body as a discipline measure. Physical force to the body includes, but is not limited to, spanking, hitting, shaking, biting, pinching, pushing, pulling, or slapping.)
  • Use any strategy that hurts, shames, or belittles a child.
  • Use any strategy that threatens, intimidates, or forces a child.
  • Use food as a form of reward or punishment.
  • Use or withhold physical activity as a punishment.
  • Shame or punish a child if a bathroom accident occurs.
  • Embarrass any child in front of others.
  • Compare children.
  • Place children in a locked and/or dark room.
  • Leave any child alone, unattended, or without supervision.
  • Allow discipline of a child by other children.
  • Criticize, make fun of, or otherwise belittle a child’s parents, families, or ethnic groups.

Conferences will be scheduled with parents if particular disciplinary problems occur. If a child’s behavior consistently endangers the safety of the children around him/her, then the Director has the right, after meeting with the parents and documenting behavior problems and interventions, to terminate child care services for that particular child.

Note: We will do all we can to help a troubled child acclimate to the preschool environment, but sometimes specific intervention may be needed. If so, we will make recommendations to the family to obtain the services of professional organizations that can provide specific help for certain children with special social emotional needs. These organizations can provide further support and services that we cannot or are unable to provide.

My signature below indicates that I have received a copy of the discipline policy, it has been reviewed with me, and I have read and understand this policy.